Through our UYA Agency we get to know local film production companies very well and one of our favourites to work with is ReelTwentyFive. We’ve supplied actors for their films many times over the years and they always produce exceptional work.
Towards the end of 2022, we put our actors up for ReelTwentyFive’s latest film ‘Childhood’ and five were selected for parts including the leading role. Fast forward a year and Childhood was nominated for an award from the Royal Television Society – Britain’s leading forum for television and related media.
After a nail-biting evening on 24th November 2023 at The ICC, Birmingham, we’re delighted to announce that Childhood won in its category and came home with the prestigious award.
It’s incredible for our actors to be recognised on such an enormous stage and we couldn’t be prouder of them. Congratulations to the full cast and team!
At Urban we pride ourselves on being able to provide high-quality, professional acting opportunities to our actors and this is just one of many success stories throughout the year.