
That’s a Wrap!

At the end of November we completed our short film project, and what a month it was. Filming a short film every week over the course of four weekends, we knew that what we were attempting was ambitious, and the process wasn’t without its challenges.

On set for our latest films

The last few months at Urban have been spent planning and rehearsing for four short films. Now, somehow, we’re halfway through November with two of those films wrapped and two more to film this weekend and next!

Youth Theatre Now: Voices From The Sector

After the success of our lockdown film 'Jess', we were delighted to be invited by the National Association of Youth Theatres (NAYT) to talk about our project in their 'Voices From The Sector' webinar.

Urban win Arts Council England funding bid

We’re delighted to announce that Arts Council England has awarded Urban a grant to produce a short film project in the autumn of 2021. We are absolutely thrilled that Urban has been chosen.
Under 12s On Set

U12s & 12-16s: Self-Written Short Films

Our Under 12s and 12-16s are currently shooting their own self-written short films 'Imagined' and 'Mirror Image'. Both groups worked over lockdown to devise and write two brand new screenplays and we finally began shooting at the weekend.

A new group for 16-21s

Recently we’ve been looking at ways to expand Urban and we’re very excited to announce that we’re opening a brand new group for young people aged 16-21! This will be our second over 16s group.

‘Jess’: a film by UYA and LWA

For the last few weeks, our over 16s group has been working closely with the charity Living Without Abuse (LWA), developing a filmed piece to raise awareness for domestic abuse in relationships between young people.

Filming with Riad Richie

This week two of our actors, Joe McErlean and Grace Ford, have been filming with Riad Richie. Prior to the COVID pandemic, Riad was finishing his second season at the RSC...

Urban’s Roadmap

Urban Young Actors is currently running online workshops every week and following the government announcement on 22/02/2021 we hope to be back in a studio from the 12th April!
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